AmigaActive (390/2143)

From:Vidar Langberget
Date:5 May 2000 at 10:31:03
Subject:Re: Amiga and PersonalJava (was Re: Basic or C)

At 22:35 04.05.00 +0100, you wrote:
>Whoops, missed this one during my dead machine experience, I assume. 2
>replies in one here.
>On Thu, 4 May 2000, Conor Kerr wrote:
>> > C++ is better than C IMO. Java is even better for beginners. But for Java
>> > you need Linux or Windows. You get results VERY quickly with Java and
>> > Swing. The Metal GUI looks very good too. Kind of sad that Amiga will use
>> > PersonalJava, and probably not support Swing.
>The Metal GUI is quite gorgeous, yes. It's just one of the PLAF (pluggable
>look and feel) settings for Swing though. There's also windows, mac and
>motif versions. I'd hope any Amiga version of Swing looked like the rest
>of the OS. Or even better, was totally configurable in the same way MUI
>From what I've read about Personal Java, it doesn't look like it's got the
>Swing stuff there anyway :( Swing was only part of Java with the 1.2 (or 2
>if you insist) release, and the only Personal Java stuff I've read about
>is based on 1.1something.

You're right, Swing isn't a part of Personal Java, and although Amiga are
testing Swing ATM, there are some incompatibilities.

I think Amiga will use this:

>If Amiga offer something better than Swing, and it's accesible through
>Java, I'll be _very_ happy. But I still want Swing there, just because
>there's a fair few things about that use it already, and it'd be nice to
>have them running on an Amiga.

Agreed, Swing should be supported. There are a lot of work done with Swing
out there that should be able to run on the new Amiga.


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